
Marlie Spieker


About Marli Spieker

Global Director of Heart of Mercy Mission, Lifelong Missionary & Author

Media Panelist: Purpose-Driven Books on February 18, 2024 at 10:30 AM

Marli's entire life has been about missions.

"Born into a humble Salvation Army missionary family in Brazil, I like to say I was raised by my own 'George Mulleur' and 'Mother Theresa!' My three brothers and I watched how our parents spent themselves serving and loving God as they cared for 65 orphan boys. So, I grew up with 68 brothers! Their Christ-like example taught me what sacrificial love is all about. It became the foundation of my lifelong service, love for God, and compassion for others."
Called at an early age

At 17, I was accepted at the Salvation Army National Cadet School. Immediately, I became involved with the Army's tremendous social ministry working with street children, prostitutes and homeless in the slums, brothels, and bars of big Brazilian cities. Ever since then, my life has been devoted to helping and ministering to the lost and hurting.

God rewarded me with a German seminary student, Edmund, who became my closest friend and loving husband. We share the same passion for God and compassion for the lost. Through thick and thin, we have served the Lord every day of our married lives.

We ministered together with Trans World Radio (TWR) from 1969 to 2017, creating, producing, and delivering radio programs for women and children...a precursor to today's podcasting! At 52, motivated by my passion for women's ministries, God gave me the honor to be the Founder and Global Director of Women of Hope and Project Hannah, a TWR media ministry in 126 countries. This led to opportunities to be a guest lecturer at Pastor Care Clinics, a keynote speaker at international women's events in over 50 countries, advisor and consultant for women's ministry development, and more.

Called once more...through Suellen Roberts

I have traveled to 85 countries so far and taken the gospel with me wherever I go. It became a marathon of faith. It has changed me. It has changed my whole life. The outcome of my daily surrender to God's will and ways has been the honor to see first-hand His mercy, rescuing and restoring countless women with His mighty power.

As a passionate Awareness Advocate and authority on the plight of women worldwide, I am honored and blessed beyond measure to be appointed as the Global Director of Heart of Mercy Mission (HMM).

I continue to have a fire in my bones to see women rising up from the ashes of despair, abuse, and hopelessness through Jesus' power.  I pray you will join our "rescue mission" for these precious women so that, like me, you can see what happens when God intervenes and HOPE WINS.

Edmund and I have three children and eight grandchildren and make our home in Cary, North Carolina.

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